Transfer Equivalency Review Request


Use this form to request that the appropriate WVU faculty evaluate a course that is currently listed as open credit (NOEQ 100) on your transcript or audit. You may also request review of a course not currently in the WVU database that you wish to take at another school. In most cases, the review process takes 5-10 days.

If you have not begun working with our office, and have more than 5 courses to submit, please email your 800 number (admitted/current students) or an unofficial transcript (prospective students) to for an initial review of possible equivalencies. Please do not email syllabi to this account. If you have been instructed by a member of our team to submit syllabi to this service, please disregard this step.

Please note that WVU often combines lectures and labs into a single course. If you are submitting a request for separate lecture and lab courses, please attach both course syllabi.

Students requesting the review of possible equivalency for Military Experience or Credit via Certification, please complete the "Prior Learning Equivalent Form" and submit in lieu of a syllabus.

If you have an active WVU Login, please Sign In at the top of this page before submitting your request.

Submit a ticket to get started.

If you have additional questions regarding transfer and/or transient credit, please email  


Prospective or current WVU students should use this form if they want defined course credit for a course that does not currently have an equivalency in the WVU database.


There is no charge to request or use this service.

Submit a Ticket


Service ID: 22958
Tue 9/19/17 4:55 PM
Tue 1/31/23 4:18 PM